Tuesday, April 12, 2016


            Followers of Heavyweight boxing will tell better–A knock down does not equal a knockout. A man may be hit down several times in a bout, but if he keeps getting up, he stands a chance to win. Great winners are not those who never failed but these who rise again whenever they fail.
            When asked his yard stick for success, George Patton said, “I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom”. Never allow the place you were hit down become your burial ground. Failure shouldn’t be your undertaker. Tony Alfonso taught his protégés, “When you miss a shot, never think of what you did wrong. Take the next shot thinking of what you must do right”. If you repeatedly try again and again, the next attempt will be the game winner.
            Michael Jordan is believed to be the greatest player in basketball history. He once said, “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying again.” He later confessed,” I have failed over and over again -that is why I succeeded”. If you are a rugby fan you will understand that being knocked down is part of the game. It’s up to one to either stay down or pick up the oval ball and make a winning run.
            Nelson Mandela is arguable the greatest and most celebrated African ever. He told South Africans, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail”. How true! Little wonder Paul Harvey, African journalist and author, writes, “Someday, I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success so that someone will ask me, “What is the secret of it?” I shall say simply this. “I get up when I fall down”.
            There is hardly a better exercise than rising and falling and rising again. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising up every time we fall”. Always remember that the call is higher than the fall. God never sees one as a failure who has the courage to rise again after every fall. Peter was a ‘faller’. David, Moses etc had their falls at several points. But they all bounced back. Get back up when you get knocked down. The good news is: “You retain the inert ability to rise again no matter how long you have stayed down. It is never too late to rise again. Knockdown isn’t knockout. You may not get it right always, but you just need to keep it rolling at all time.


            Followers of Heavyweight boxing will tell better–A knock down does not equal a knockout. A man may be hit down several times in a bout, but if he keeps getting up, he stands a chance to win. Great winners are not those who never failed but these who rise again whenever they fail.
            When asked his yard stick for success, George Patton said, “I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom”. Never allow the place you were hit down become your burial ground. Failure shouldn’t be your undertaker. Tony Alfonso taught his protégés, “When you miss a shot, never think of what you did wrong. Take the next shot thinking of what you must do right”. If you repeatedly try again and again, the next attempt will be the game winner.
            Michael Jordan is believed to be the greatest player in basketball history. He once said, “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying again.” He later confessed,” I have failed over and over again -that is why I succeeded”. If you are a rugby fan you will understand that being knocked down is part of the game. It’s up to one to either stay down or pick up the oval ball and make a winning run.
            Nelson Mandela is arguable the greatest and most celebrated African ever. He told South Africans, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail”. How true! Little wonder Paul Harvey, African journalist and author, writes, “Someday, I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success so that someone will ask me, “What is the secret of it?” I shall say simply this. “I get up when I fall down”.
            There is hardly a better exercise than rising and falling and rising again. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising up every time we fall”. Always remember that the call is higher than the fall. God never sees one as a failure who has the courage to rise again after every fall. Peter was a ‘faller’. David, Moses etc had their falls at several points. But they all bounced back. Get back up when you get knocked down. The good news is: “You retain the inert ability to rise again no matter how long you have stayed down. It is never too late to rise again. Knockdown isn’t knockout. You may not get it right always, but you just need to keep it rolling at all time.


Never allow adversity of any magnitude whatsoever weigh you down. Always remind yourself that you have an inherent ability or grace to handle any problem or challenge that comes your way. Always keep your cool. Pull yourself together and stay in charge at all cost.
Adversity’s most potent weapon against man is panic. Once you allow it to overpower you it masterminds you ruin. However, if you keep your cool and stay right on track, you will find a silver lining in every cloud of despair. Just everything that happens under the sun is for your good, no matter how bad it looks on arrival.
Be like Viktor Frankl. Humiliated, tortured and frustrated by the Nazis, the Austria born Jewish psychiatrist lost all but his cool. Despite the gruesome murder of his parents, brother and pregnant wife, Frankl was determined to turn all to his good. He focused on a glorious future beyond the concentration camp. Instead of to crack in despair, the young doctor chose to encourage every other Jew he could reach out to in the concentration camp. Frankl also recorded, on smuggled pieces of paper, his theories, experiments and experiences, which he later made use of in his books.
            At the end of the war, with Hitler dead, Frankl returned to Vienna and became Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Vienna Medical School – a position he retained for the rest of his career. Asked how he endured such cruel treatment with a positive outlook, Frankl replied, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedom is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances to choose one’s own way”.
            Choose your own way. Choose right. Choose to stay positive and hopeful at all cost. Choose joy. Choose a genial disposition. Choose happiness. Choose a positive mental attitude. At the long run, it all boils down to your reaction to what happened to you. What happens to you is not as important as how you react to it. Like the woman whose only son died, shout it loud and clear to everyone’s hearing “It is well”.
            Always remember, every evil is some good spelt backward from which the wise read wisdom. Just every problem has a solution only if we perhaps change our negative attitude toward it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

“Learn from nature. What happens when you break a spider’s web or disturb a bird’s nest, or knock over an anthill, pilfer some honey from a beehive or take the wool off a sheep’s back or draw a pail of milk from a cow? Simply, they start afresh and begin production all over again (R.I Seymour)”. Do likewise.
 Bill Clinton once told George Bush (Snr.) during their election campaign in 1992, “I may be fat and ugly, but if you push me down, I keep coming back. I don’t give up. I keep coming back”. Imbibe that sprit. Come back to the game. Be a back bouncer. 
At the age of 67, when most men in Africa would have retired from active service, Edison Thomas, in his quest to discover commercial electricity, lost millions of dollars to the fire that razed down his factory. The following day, he wrote his friends and colleagues, “Thank God, all of our mistakes have been destroyed. In a new factory, we can start our experiment with a clean slate.” 
Henry Ford often says that failure is an opportunity to start again more intelligently. Get back to the battle line and stay there fighting until you win. The truth is, until your victory comes, the battle field remains the safest place to be. Failure, according to Les Brown, leaves one with two choices: get better or get bitter. Choose the former. Get better. In fact, what we call adversity, God calls opportunity (ask Joseph Jacob)! 
Allow that adversity to advance you. Disraeli once said, “There is no education like adversity”. Napoleon Hill puts it best, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit”. Never look backwards. Relegate regrets to the background. You cannot move ahead when you are in reverse. Look ahead of you, then go ahead and get ahead. 


Tuesday, December 30, 2014



 Daily build up your confidence in yourself- and in your God too. Comparisons will do you one of these two things: Either it takes you to the bosom of self pity and doubt or the abattoir of pride. When you compare yourself with people seemingly better than you, doubt sets in; and, in the words of William Shakespeare, “Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good that we oft may win by fearing to attempt.”


Franklin Roosevelt was of the opinion: “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today”. Always remember the words of Alexander Dumas who said, “A person who doubts himself is like a man who enlists in the ranks of his enemy and bear arms against himself” - nothing could be more disastrous than that. The bloodiest wars have always been civil wars.


Pride is not any kinder. When you keep comparing yourself to those you think you are better than, pride sets in. Never forget, God hates pride! Apostle Peter wrote in his epistle, “God resists the proud (1Pet.5:5). King Solomon said, “When pride cometh, then cometh shame (Prov.11:2KJV). He went further to observe: “Pride goes before destruction (Prov.16:18KJV). Jeremiah himself prophesied, “The proud shall stumble and fall; and none shall raise him up (Jer.50:32).



this is an excerpt from one of the best inspirational books on earth today. call 07065910467 for a copy of advancing despite adversities





Only a few are oblivion of the fact that Kenya is the hub of animal and wild life. A tourist to Kenya was once shocked to a frazzle when he saw a little boy controlling elephants. He was startled by the fact that these huge creatures could be tied down with a little rope tied to their front legs. There were neither chains nor cages. Although it was quite obvious that the elephants could break loose from their bonds at will, they didn’t.

While this tourist gazed in disbelieve, the trainer leveled up with him. He walked up to the trainer asking how he came about such magic. “It’s not a magic”, began the trainer, “when they were very young, and much smaller, we used the same little rope to tie them. At that age, the rope was quite strong enough to hold them. After several fruitless efforts to break away, they gave up. As they grew up, they were conditioned to believe they can never break away. They still believe the rope can hold them. Thus, they never again try to break free again”.

We may find the above story very laughable, yet many of us are like those elephants. Many today have permanently packed their bags in inaction just for a little act of opposition they once faced. Many have chickened out at the middle of the road just for a minor obstruction. No one expects a problem but it comes, often without warning. Our role and natural responsibility is to prepare always at all time.

God often doesn’t shed us from problem but rather gives us the grace to progress through them. Advancing through adversity may sound ridiculous, but it takes the ridiculous to birth the miraculous works. He has already assured us that he won’t allow a headache bigger than our head to worry us. God give us triumphs through trials, advancement through adversity and his crown in the cross lodge.

King Solomon once complained, “The wise dieth as the fool dieth” (Ecc12:16B). Yes as it happens to the sinful fool, it happens to the saintly wise. Although he was right, the preacher turned outrightly wrong when he deemed it vanity and a vexation of spirit. What happens to a man is not the end of the story; neither is it as important as what he does with what happens to him. Life is full of actions and its opposite reactions. Both may have the same experience, but what he makes happen with what happened to him is what separates the wise from the foolish. A successful life, said Edison Thomas, is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. My Bible says and I believed it, “A righteous man may fall seven times but seven times he shall rise again”. That’s the dividing factor. The wise falls, just like the fool; but the measure of grace and ability to bounce back is not equal in both.  Problem leaves the fool bitter but the wise gets better by it.

Every man’s life history is comprised of two headings: Your challenges and how you handled them. How you handle your challenges determines what it changes you into. Challenges are chances and channels for changes-whether they are positive or negative changes depend on the individual’s approach to them.

Real men neither resist changes nor are they resisted by changes. Adversity is an apparatus for advancement. As no skillful workman quarrels with his tools, only failures and indolent men avoid or complain of adversity. Indeed, there is hardly anyone alive who has not at one point or the other stumbled into adversity. It is like an unwelcomed visitor that forces its self unto our lives. No one wants it, yet no one can merely wish it away. Yet, adversity is a two facetted visitor whose outcome of its visit depends largely on the host. James Russell Lowell captures it best when he said, “Mishaps are like knives that either serves us or cuts us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle”.

 Failures and adversities are what you make of them. In the words of William Arthur Ward, “Adversity causes some men to break and others to break records”. Lord Byron in his days called adversity, the first path to truth. Writing on adversity, Horace observed that success in the affairs of life, often serves to hide one’s ability, whereas adversity frequently gives one the opportunity to discover them.

The truth remains that nothing advances one like adversity. Like the water test in the days of Gideon, adversity is an acid test that separates those who only wanted to from those who are determined to succeed. Lord Chesterfield once said, “A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties, he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres and infallibly prevails at last”.

This book will blow open your mind to see how you have been sitting on a well yet wailing of thirst. If well studied and religiously followed, it will advance one from one’s pitiable state of adversity to an enviable height of success.



 I don’t want to ask again what happened to you. What happened to you is not as important as the opportunity you make out of it. What you make happen with what happened to you happens to be far more important than what actually happened. Great men build castles with the bricks life challenges throw at them.

The life of Saul cum Paul gave me a mind blowing lesson. Despite his gruesome torture, persecution, challenges and frequent reoccurring jail terms, Paul wrote 1/3 of the Bible’s New Testament. Today, with the Bible as the fastest selling book in the world history, Billions of people have read and are still reading about Paul. His books, long after his demise, have been shaping people’s lives aright.

Pilgrim’s Progress was written while the author languished in prison. During Beethoven’s pit of deafness, the world best music maker and his music were born in him. Christ’s life was cut short at the cross of Calvary, but that made Him the name above all names.

Stop telling people what happened to you, tell us what you made happen with what happened to you. Adversity is a school. Fail all the way to a successful graduation if need be. The problem is not in the failing but in the refusal to keep trying.

The truth is that most great things that last are always born out of great groaning. The name Job is today perpetually famous as the life and time of Mr. Job of Uz occupies 42 whole chapters in the Bible – many thanks to adversity.

Polish your determination and trust God again. God turns disappointments, delays, setups and setbacks to a stepping stone to your glorious throne. Always look out for the positive side of every situation. Never forget this: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. It all depends on your outlook. Two men saw the same cup, one said it is half filled, the other said it is half empty.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless one fails to take the turn. Stepping out of a university after six years without a certificate induced an urge within me to obtain three degrees instead of one. At the end of three years in another region, I did not only obtain three professional degrees, but did so in the three best universities in my country.

Adversity pays. It is like a divine jet with which those who understand its intricacies advance to a glorious height.

Life has thought me that God is the best master chef ever- little wonder he promised to provide our daily bread! Best chef. He garnishes our great success stories with little doses of failure. No wonder you will always pass failure on your way to success. You will.

Divine success is like two slices of bread with failure sandwiched in-between. Failures, like sandwiches, make the bread of success so sweet and palatable. A wise man enjoys success as much as failure and he wisely learn greatly from both. I am yet to see a failure or adversity that never left me more successful and better placed for something bigger.

 Even if you wish life were a bed of roses, do not forget that roses have thorns. It is the rose we focus on and appreciate never the thorns. Yet, there can’t be roses without some thorns. That is why all the great men in the world history are those who managed their failures and adversities effectively.

 Indeed, no doubt about this, big shorts are just but small shots that kept shooting. Saints are sinners that kept going. Often, it takes multiples of failures to give success -ask Mich Ns. To keep trying, that is the secret of success.